Friday, 20 March 2015


Happy Saturday dear readers and followers,
Hope you all had a great week. As I was having my quiet time on Thursday I felt in my Spirit to share this message with you guys. I believe it’s timely and it’s something God wants you to know about.

Jeremiah 32:26-27 states that, “Then this message came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?” (NLT)

There is nothing too hard for the Lord your God. This is great to hear. I've heard this verse so many times but I have never thought about it deeply. The verse is saying God is the Lord of all the people of this world. It's saying he's the God of all Christians, God of all Muslims, Hindus, Budists and what have we. God loves us all equally

Jeremiah 31:3 says that "Long ago the Lord said to Israel “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself." (NLT)

God said he has loved us with an everlasting love, with a love that is eternal and never ending. When our friends and family members tell us that they love us we find it refreshing. How much more God's love? The one who has called us by name and loved us with an eternal love. God's love is very deep that it doesn’t even matter what we do. He doesn’t stop loving us. (Romans 5:8)

This has encouraged me to live a life that is more pleasing to God. He's the only one that has unchanging intentions about my life. He created me for a reason and a good purpose. He created me to win souls for him Yeah he said it in his word and his word is true.

Dear reader be encouraged because the Lord of Lords is with you and he'll will never forsake you.
I've spoken to a lot of people about God and what they always say is "I used go to church all the time but I don't go anymore because of issues I have. Others say they have unanswered questions.

Let me tell you one secret, staying away from church isn’t going solve your problem or it's not going to give you the answers you need, it is only going get worse. On the other hand staying in Church helps you to overcome your issues easily and it will help you to get all the answers you need. You will always have people to talk to and people who are going to be there for you and give you advice.

One more thing you need to know is that whatever you're going through somebody else have the same issues and some even have situations worse than yours. But it takes faith to overlook your problems. Keep believing in God. Your night is going to turn into day soon no matter what.
Why do you limit God to your problems? Instead of thinking about how big your problem is think about how big your God is.

1 Peter 5:7 says “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (NLT)

Dear reader, run to God with all your problems because he cares for you and he'll never leave or forsake you in times of need. You are not a mistake at all. You're in this world because you're meant to be.
In Phillipians 4:1-9, Paul talks about the secret of having joy that is greater than life's difficulties and the type of Joy that is beyond human understanding.
If you have this God given Joy you'll look beyond your problems and say to yourself there is hope.

Keep praying about that situation. I’m very sure your answer will arrive shortly. Keep believing God and have a blessed week ahead.


Thursday, 12 March 2015


Hello lovely people
I trust you had a great week so far? My week has been great and blessed and I’m very happy to be alive. The title for this week’s blog is Flee from lust. I'll start by telling you about a true life story of a girl called Anna.

Anna is a very beautiful girl who was brought up in a Christian family. Anna enjoyed going to church and she lived a God fearing life till she went to secondary school.

At secondary school Anna tried to fit in by doing what all her friends did because she was being bullied and called all sort of names.

Anna forgot that she had a God who was bigger than all the situations in her life. She still went to church with her parents every Sunday not because she wanted to be there but because she was told to come along by her parents.

When Anna got to College she met a new friend who introduced her to a guy called Arnold. Anna thought she found a new love when she started dating Arnold and they were both madly in love with each other.

One faithful day Arnold told Anna that if she truly loves him then she had to prove it by having sexual intercourse with him. Anna was a bit hesitant because she didn’t want to be pregnant at her age.
But as time went on she gave in to Arnold's request and lost her virginity to him because he threatened to leave her.

Sex became a normal routine in their relationship. It got to a point when Anna became aware that Arnold was cheating on her but she couldn’t leave him because she thought she had lost her virginity to him so she couldn’t move on. Anna stayed in an abusive relationship with Arnold for about 4 years until she was in second year at university.

Anna’s friend invited her to church and when she went she gave her life to Christ and became born again. At this point she still found it hard to let Arnold go. But she opened up and got a lot of advice from her pastors and gradually she gave up on the ungodly relationship she had with Arnold.

My dear reader and follower,
Can relate to Anna’s story? Then I have a few questions for you

What are your friends introducing you to? Is it drugs, clubbing or ungodly relationships? Then this is the best time to cut them out of your life. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that “be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” (KJV). The people you spend more time with can have a great impact on your life. It’s either you leave them now and hang out with people who lead you on the right path or deceive yourself that they will change for the better and stay with them.

Have you defiled yourself in a lusty way or have you missed it along the way? Then I will say this is the best time for a change. God is very ready to help you get out of lustful situations. All you have to do is ask him for help and guidance throughout the way. Just take that bold step towards living a pure life.

The bible states in 1 Corinthians 6:18 that “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” (NIV)
To flee means to run away from a place or situation of danger. The verse above is literally saying don’t waste any time at all. Just run from the danger of sexual immoralities.

So aim to live a pure life by regarding your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit and be in a relationship where God will be the centre of the decisions you make. Trust me, if he truly loves you he will wait till you get married. Learn to wait on the Lord and your strength will be renewed.

Have a fruitful week ahead and don’t forget to RUN when you sense any lustful dangers around you.

Friday, 6 March 2015


Hello lovely followers and readers
Hope you all had a fruitful week. My week has been fruitful by the grace of God
This weekend I’m sharing on the title “Givers and takers”

A giver is someone who gives freely from their heart whiles a taker is someone who enjoys taking from others all the time.

Are you a giver or a taker? This question is actually deeper that you think it is.
Let me ask another question do you have friends who only contact you when they need something from you? Or do you have friends who always want to be on the receiving end and never on the giving end?

It is actually amazing how greedy some people can be. I know a lot of people who always enjoy being on the receiving end but never want to give something back.
Most friendships don't work out because sometimes some givers also give up on their taker friends.

Think about your relationship with God for a second. Do you talk to God because you want an intimate and personal relationship with Him or are you a type of person who always knocks on God's door only when trouble arises?

My dear reader if you find yourself always asking God for favours then I have a few tips for you.
1. Learn to thank God for his mercies upon your life rather than asking for a favour

2. Learn to thank Him for the undeserved favour you receive from him all the time rather than talking about your troubles

3. Learn to Thank God for his everlasting and unconditional love rather than talking about the car you need.

4. Learn to ask God to forgive your sins because the bible says in Romans 3:23 that "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (KJV). You don’t really want to be asking for favours when you have fallen short of God’s glory do you?

5. Spend time to acknowledge God and exalt Him for how great he is because there is no one like Him and there will never be any one like Him.

6. Pray for God's will to be done in your life because if you pray for the will of God, your future and entire life is covered.

7. Pray to God to help you become a giver rather than a taker.

There’s a lot more you could do to draw closer to God but these seven steps could be your starting point.

On the other hand if you find yourself as a giver in any relationship of your life then continue giving and never give up on giving because as you're giving and helping someone, you will also remembered and given to in Jesus name!

Writing on giving also reminds me of giving offerings and tithes to help church growth. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (NKJV)

There’s a saying that goes like “where your heart is there will your money and treasure also be.” So if you say you love God then you have to be faithful to Him in your finances. I’ve realised that not being faithful to God your finances actually robs you off God’s protection, guidance and blessings. So from now on give cheerfully to God and he’ll bless you with more than you could ever wish for.

Be a happy giver because the Bible says in Acts 20:35 that “It is more blessed to give than to receive
Have blessed week ahead and give to someone by sharing this post with them.